The truth is, despite many, many parents saying that THEIR child is also the victim of bullies, it is still a phenomenon that few truly understand, and even fewer know how to address. In this blog, I hope to give some clear facts about bullying, and some concrete tips for both parents and kids to deal with bullies.
In short, bullying occurs when someone intentionally hurts or intimidates another person, and the person has a hard time defending his or herself. Most of the time, bullying occurs over and over, and can include:
- physical aggression, such as pushing, hitting or throwing things at a person
- teasing or taunting someone
- spreading rumors about someone
- encouraging a group of kids to gang up on someone
- purposely excluding a certain person from a group, just to be mean
- spreading rumors, photos or other hurtful posting through electronic media (texting, social media such as facebook, emails, or posting video without someones permission)
So, now you know WHAT a bully does, but why do they engage in this mean and vicious behavior? There are several reasons that kids become bullies:
- it makes them feel better, smarter, or stronger than the person they are bullying
- they see other kids doing it
- they want to fit in with a certain group
- it's easier than becoming the target of the bullies
Here are some concrete, ACTION-ORIENTED tips for how to help your child if they are the victim of bullies:
- the first, and most important thing you can do as a parent is to LISTEN to your child with an open mind and open heart.
- gather information about the situation, including the time, place and people involved
- find out if there are witnesses to the incidents - other children, adults or teachers
- contact school officials, especially if the bullying is occurring in school or on the bus.
- expect the school to respond and to address the problem
- do not tell your child to "just ignore it" as this may send the message that you do not take it seriously or minimize the situation
- do not blame your child and say "what did you do to provoke it". Bullying is never provoked, and is never acceptable
- do not call the parents of the other child, this will often make matters worse
- do not encourage your child to "just hit them back", as this may cause the situation to escalate, cause your child to get hurt, or cause him/her to be disciplined or expelled
- do not react and retaliate against the bully, this will role model poor behavior for your child
This is a helpful website with lots of resources for parents, educators and other helpers to deal with the bullying problem including Tip Sheets and Fact Sheet that are printable resources.
There is still no solution for this problem, the bully is the problem! As parents and educators we need to instill pride in our children ~ making them feel good by helping people not hurting them!
ReplyDeleteBullying is a difficult problem to navigate. It would be wonderful if such behavior could be identified more often and more quickly that often happens. The idea of my children being harmed or lost is not something anyone wants to consider. I found an article by anationofmoms about a service that can protect your family via your cell phone. I am a parent and I'm worried and I don't want that any kid will experience this again. As a way of helping everyone especially the parents, who find it quite hard to manage time, I found this great application which featured a safety app which gets me connected to a Safety Network or escalate my call to the nearest 911 when needed, it has other cool features that are helpful for your kids with just a press of a Panic Button. Check it here: